Published: 01/27/2022
We offer a number of programs and opportunities for residents interested in pursuing Global Health at Stanford.
With more than 180 faculty fellows leading research projects and providing clinical care all over the world, we offer residents interested in a our Global Health Track a customized program that includes one-on-one mentoring and experience working overseas. Read more about our Global Health Residency Track and other programs for residents.
Global Health Residency Track
With more than 180 faculty fellows leading research projects and providing clinical care all over the world, Stanford Global Health can offer each resident a customized program that includes one-on-one mentoring and experience working overseas. The map below highlights the work and expertise of many of our Global Health mentors.
Stanford Global Child Health Travel Scholarship
The Stanford Global Child Health Travel Scholarship is for Stanford School of Medicine pediatric trainees and clinical medical students who are committed to improving the quality of life for children around the world. Launched in 2009, the program has sent more than 60 physicians and trainees overseas to provide clinical care to children in low- and middle-income settings. Drs. Desiree LaBeaud and Clea Sarnquist direct this program.
Stanford/Yale Global Health Scholars Program
The Stanford/Yale Global Health Scholars Program annually selects up to 40 physicians during their residencies and career physicians for six-week rotations at one of our mentored sites outside the US. Rotations are largely directed at clinical experiences, service and teaching, as opposed to research.
Stanford Medicine Global Scholars Program
The Stanford Medicine Global Scholars (Independent Away) Program supports residents or fellows who are committed to working overseas in low technology settings. The Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health provides funding for trainees who will be an asset to the staff at the receiving location and support or add to the services provided. Global Scholars are not mere observers in the host location.