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Global Health Research Convening 2022

Save the Date for the 2023 Convening

The 2023 Global Health Research Convening is scheduled for January 25, 2023. We hope to see you there!

8th Annual Stanford Global Health Research Convening

The 8th Annual Stanford Global Health Research Convening was held April 18, 2022 at the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center on Stanford Campus. The convening brought together more than 300 students, faculty and researchers working in global health. Find speaker bios, slides, and a subset of the posters displayed at the convening, below.

Keynote Presenter

Oladele (Dele) Ogunseitan, MD, MPH
University of California Presidential Chair at Irvine
Professor, Population Health and Disease Prevention

Dr. Ogunseitan holds the University of California Presidential Chair at Irvine, where he is also Professor and served as Founding Chair of the Department of Population Health and Disease Prevention for a dozen years. He will be joining Stanford University as a Visiting Scholar for 2022-2023. He researches the intersection of industrial development and environmental quality to discover solutions to problems at the root of population burden of disease and disability.


Oral Presenters

Aslam Khan
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Fellow, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, Stanford School of Medicine

Aslam is a current pediatric infectious diseases fellow at Stanford University. He has an interest in employing infectious diagnostics in resource limited settings and studying the epidemiology and associated risk factors of various pathogens. He received his bachelor’s degree in Molecular and Cell Biology with emphasis in Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the University of California, Berkeley, his medical degree from Midwestern University AZCOM, and completed pediatrics training with a chief residency year at the Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center. He has been working in the LaBeaud laboratory at Stanford University during his fellowship.

Radhika Jain
Postdoctoral Fellow, Asia Health Policy Program, Stanford University


Radhika Jain is a health economist whose research examines provider behavior, healthcare markets, and socioeconomic inequality in health in lower income countries, with a focus on India.

Emma Squire
Pediatric Resident, Stanford Pediatrics

Emma Squire is a senior resident in Pediatrics at Stanford. She is passionate about newborn medicine, global health, and quality improvement.

Alyson Singleton
PhD Student, Stanford Earth

Aly is a first-year doctoral student in the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment & Resources in the Stanford School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences, studying how climate instability impacts infectious disease dynamics. After earning degrees in Applied Math and Biostatistics at Brown University, she spent last year as a fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention building statistical tools for emergency outbreak response. She uses tools in computation and network science to study the effect of anthropogenic change on underlying transmission networks in an effort to prevent widening disease disparities and to address the socio-political drivers of disease distribution.

Clea Sarnquist
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Infectious Diseases, Stanford School of Medicine

Dr. Sarnquist focuses on applied teaching and research on the development, implementation and evaluation of interventions to decrease gender-based violence and prevent HIV infection, especially among adolescents and children. She is particularly interested in rights-based approaches that tackle the complex interplay of factors that lead to poor health for many children and families. All of her work is applied, with direct links health practice and policy, and usually performed in conjunction with non-governmental organization and government partners. She works both globally and in the U.S., with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa.


Infectious disease and awareness-based protective behavior in a split population
Authors: Mallory Harris and Erin Mordecai

Impact of a pediatric typhoid conjugate vaccine campaign in Navi Mumbai, India 
Authors: Seth A. Hoffman, Christopher LeBoa, Kashmira Date, Rahul Shimpi, Qian An, Chenhua Zhang, Pauline Harvey, Priyanka Borhade, Debjit Chakraborty, Pradeep Haldar, Lily Horng, Niniya Jayaprasad, Arun Katkar, Abhishek Kunwar, Vijay Yewale, Kirsten Fagerli, Jason R. Andrews, Pankaj Bhatnagar, Shanta Dutta, Stephen P. Luby

Effectiveness of a nurse care coordinator led, mHealth enabled intervention on management of hypertension in India: results from the m-Power Heart Project 
Authors: Nikhil Srinivasapura Venkateshmurthy, Shuchi Anand, Sailesh Mohan, Dimple Kondal, Devraj Jindal, Ajay VS, Malipeddi Bhaskara Rao, Ambuj Roy, Nikhil Tandon, Dorairaj Prabhakaran

COVID-19 Pandemic: Is Africa Different? 
Authors: Ebun L. Bamgboye, M.B.B.S., F.W.A.C.P., F.R.C.P. , Jesutofunmi A. Omiye, M.B.B.S., Oluwasegun J. Afolaranmi, M.B.B.S., Mogamat Razeen Davids, M.B.Ch.B., F.C.P., M.Med., Ph.D., Elliot Koranteng Tannor, M.D., M.Phil., M.B.A., Shoyab Wadee, M.B.B.Ch., M.Med., F.C.P., Abdou Niang, M.D., Anthony Were, M.B.Ch.B., M.Med., F.R.C.P., M.D., Saraladevi Naicker, M.B.Ch.B., Ph.D., F.R.C.P

Global health monitoring
Authors: Pascal Geldsetzer, Ali Lenjani, Sarthak Consul, David Lobell, Eran Bendavid, Marshall Burke, Gary Darmstadt, Stefano Ermon

Mass casualties, pandemics, global surgery: achieving the UN Healthcare-Related Sustainable Development Goals for 2030
Authors: Roxanna Garcia, Russell Andrews 

Motivations of healthcare workers enrolled in massive online open courses for just-in-time training during a public health emergency
Authors: Jenny Jones, Jamie Johnston, Charles Prober, Matthew Strehlow, Heini Utunen

Quantitative decision making for investment in global health intervention trials: case study of the newborn partnership on emollient therapy in preterm infants in Kenya
Authors: Annie Stylianou, Keona J. H. Blanks, Rachel A. Gibson, Lindsay K. Kendall, Mike English, Sarah Williams, Roshni Mehta, Andrew Clarke, Lynn Kanyuuru, Gary L. Darmstadt

Addressing food insecurity and improving food allergy management among pediatric patient/caregiver dyads during the COVID pandemic
Authors: Marleni Albarran; Christopher M. Warren; Sharon Chinthrajah; Erin Martinez; Lauren Casareno; Frida Calderon; Emily Brown; Alyssa Rodriguez; Quinlan Hampton; Kristine Martinez; Laurie Kost

Protecting children from wildfire smoke: investing in indoor air quality in California schools
Authors: Zoe Lew, Lisa Patel, Erika Veidis

Assessing the economic impacts of cataract surgeries in Ghana and Ethiopia
Authors: Mohamed H. Elzarka, MPH; Cyrus A. Buckman; Arthur Brandt, MD; Geoffrey Tabin, MD

Pediatric preventable blindness: assessment of visual impairment in the children of Barbados
Authors: Kirsten Da Silva, Ta Chen Chang, Michelle Dowell, Eleonore Savatovsky, David Callender, Mike Campbell, Ian Hambleton, Elizabeth Vanner, Hounsh Munshi, Dawn Grosvenor, Alana Grajewski

Primary care, insurance coverage, and health outcomes for older adults with diabetes in China: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
Authors: Adary Zhang; Jianchao Quan, MA, MEcon, MPH; Karen Eggleston, PhD

Gender and the impact of COVID-19 on demand for and access to healthcare: analysis of data from Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa
Authors: Safa Abdalla, Elizabeth G Katz, Gary L Darmstadt

Improving precision of maternal and child health impact through geospatial analysis of the association of contextual and programmatic factors with health trends in Bihar, India
Authors: Safa Abdalla, Emma Pair, Kala M. Mehta, Victoria C. Ward, Gary L Darmstadt

Effect of mass deworming in risk of atopy and allergic disorders among school-aged children, central Ethiopia. Comparative cross- sectional study.
Authors: Isabela Cunio, Bineyam Taye

Examining socioeconomic status disparities in facility-based childbirth in rural Kenya: role of maternal perceptions of need, access, and quality of care
Authors: Ntemena Kapula, Stephen Shiboski PhD, Christine Dehlendorf MD MAS & Patience Afulani MBChB MPH PhD

Implementation of a hands-on laboratory research workshop in Uganda: a scalable model for successful research capacity building in low- and middle-income countries
Authors: Celine Perier, Isabelle Charles, Zilose Lyons, Sarah Stanley & Julia Schaletzky

Through the looking-glass: why wild apes are integral to the global human health story
Author: Sarah Renee Phillips, Ph.D., M.S., M.A. 

Terror and children’s health outcomes: evidence from Boko-Haram attacks in Far-North Cameroon
Author: Soazic Elise Wang Sonne

Profiling and socio-economic determinants of vaccine acceptance among refugees in Kenya
Author: Soazic Elise Wang Sonne

Public health impacts of an imminent Red Sea oil spill
Authors: Benjamin Q. Huynh, Laura H. Kwong, Mathew V. Kiang, Elizabeth T. Chin, Amir M. Mohareb, Aisha O. Jumaan, Sanjay Basu, Pascal Geldsetzer, Fatima M. Karaki, David H. Rehkopf

PEDS 220: empowering students to combat active global health threats through just-in-time learning​
Authors: Nathaniel J. Braun, Emma R. Rashes, Jack J. Scala, Kiarash Shamardani, Rishi P. Mediratta

Gut microbiota and non-communicable disease in rural and urban African populations
Authors: Dylan Maghini, Ovokeraye Oduaran, Fiona Tamburini, Scott Hazelhurst, Ami Bhatt

Factors associated with the initiation and continuation of breastfeeding in the first four months of life in consuelo, Dominican Republic
Authors: Anjalee Bhuyan, Anabel Fernandez, MPH, Di Shu, PhD, Ingrid Japa, MD, MPH, Angie Alvarez, MD, Ramona Cordero, RN, Ivelisse Tavarez, RN, Nahara Saballos, MPH, Andrew P. Steenhoff, MBBCh, DCH

Utilizing health systems data to respond to COVID-19: experiences from a collaborative partnership spanning nine countries
Authors: Isabel Fulcher, Emma Boley, Emilia Connolly, Zeus Aranda, Jean-Claude Mugunga, Megan Murray, Bethany Hedt-Gauthier on behalf of the COVID-19 Multi-Country Research Group

Influence of weather and environment on the efficacy of water, sanitation, and handwashing interventions in rural Bangladesh
Authors: Anna T. Nguyen, Jessica A. Grembi, Marie Riviere, Tejas S. Athni, Ayse Ercumen, Audrie Lin, Yoshika Crider, Andrew Mertens, Leanne Unicomb, Mahbubur Rahman, John M. Colford, Jr., Stephen P. Luby, Benjamin F. Arnold, Jade Benjamin-Chung

mDiabetes: mobile health intervention to prevent NCDs in Indians: results from South India
Authors: Aishee B. Mukherji, BA, Tenzin Yeshi Wangdak Yuthok, MS, Sandhya Ramalingam, PhD, Nalini Saligram, PhD, Latha Palaniappan, MD, MS

Frequency and predictors of stillbirth in Bangladesh
Authors: Daniel Haik, Dana Avgil, Ashley Styczynski, MD, Seth Hoffman, MD, Abdul Kasham Shoab, Sarker Masud Parvez, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Stephen Luby

A scoping review on delivering essential newborn care in armed conflict settings
Authors: Ahmed Moutwakil, Gary L. Darmstadt, Brett D. Nelson, Ribka Amsalu, Andrew T. Li, Abhinav Kumar, Caroline Huang, Leah E. Balter, Amanda Woodward, Rishi P. Mediratta

A feasible and cost-effective approach to reduce preventable preterm infant death in resource-constrained settings using the WHO/UNICEF Survive and Thrive report
Authors: Kobi Ajayi, Beulah Suleman

Blood loss monitoring device for early detection of postpartum hemorrhage
Authors: Clara Orndorff, Dylan Guelig

Commanding clear communication in european union medical healthcare systems for non-native EU language speaking patients
Author: Tori Vestal

Mobilizing public health professionals to support journalists and fact-checkers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Emily LaRose, Anshu Shroff, Jessica Huang, Nat Gyenes

Associations between parental depression, self-efficacy, and early childhood development in malnourished Haitian children
Authors: Xinshu She1* & Sajithya Perera 2*, Martine Andre3, Jacklin St. Fleur3, Johanne Hilaire3, Andrea Evans4, Jack Long5, Delight Wing5, Christopher Carpenter6, Kim Wilson7, Judith Palfrey7, Sara Stulac8

Planting seeds for resilience—a pilot mindfulness and mentorship program in migrant Chinese children
Authors: Lian Tong1 & Xinshu She2, Huan Wang3, Luwan Lan1, Min Wang3, Lulu Zhou3, Cody Abbey3, Manpreet Singh2 & Scott Rozelle3