Published: 03/11/2019
Rise with Refugees:
Responding to an Urgent and Accelerating Global Crisis
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
6 – 8 p.m.
SIEPR Gunn Building – Koret-Taube Conference Center
366 Galvez Street, Stanford CA
In collaboration with Global Health NOW from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Stanford Refugee Research Project is convening UN leaders and other experts to explore how to meaningfully improve conditions for refugees.
Keynote Address:
Melissa Fleming
Chief Spokesperson, UN High Commissioner on Refugees
Paul Spiegel, Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health
Anne Richard, former US State Dept Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration
Leila Toplic, Head of Tech Task Force for No Lost Generation Initiative
Jacob Atem, Postdoctoral Fellow, Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health
Paul Costello, Stanford School of Medicine Senior Communications Strategist (moderator)
Spoken-Word Performance:
Emtithal Mahmoud, Goodwill ambassador, UNHCR
Keynote, panel and audience Q&A will be followed by a reception featuring student projects.
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