Published: 01/17/2023
The Center for Innovation in Global Health (CIGH) enables faculty, staff, and students to have the resources, knowledge, and support needed to create large-scale impact. In doing this, we transcend the traditional mandate of an academic center and build bridges with local, international, and university-based partners from all disciplines. This plan represents a vision and set of goals and objectives to reinforce CIGHʼs core activities in research, global health, education, community-building, and advocacy – while ensuring that Stanford has the greatest impact in achieving global health equity.
Strategic Plan Links
Full-Length Strategic Plan
Here, we offer the full-length strategic plan guiding the Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health’s activities between 2023-2026, including a history of our center and accomplishments to date, program descriptions, and detailed goals and priorities.
Strategic Plan Infographic
This two-page infographic provides a high-level overview of the CIGH 2023-26 Strategic Plan, including an overview of our mission, vision, and strategic goals and priority areas.