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2023 Global Health Research Convening Resources

Jan. 25, 2023

The 9th Annual Stanford Global Health Research Convening was held in-person on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM PT at the Arrillaga Alumni Center on Stanford University campus. The theme was pandemic prevention and preparedness research. Following are bios of the main presenters and resources shared by participants.

Opening Keynote

Tara O’Toole, MD, MPH, Senior Fellow and Executive Vice President, In-Q-Tel (IQT)

Pandemics, Planetary Health, and National Security

Dr. Tara O’Toole is an internationally recognized biosecurity expert. From 2009-13, Dr. O’Toole served in the Obama Administration as Under Secretary for Science and Technology at the Department of Homeland Security. She joined the nonprofit In-Q-Tel (IQT) in 2014 as Executive Vice President, and became a Senior Fellow in 2021.

Keynote Recording

View the slides

Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Panel: Panelist Bios

Oral Presenter Slides

Brian Dawes, MD, PhD, Internal Medicine Resident
Rift Valley fever virus and genome stability in raw milk

Jordan John Lee, BA, BS, M.S. Candidate in Epidemiology and Clinical Research
Non-Malarial Fevers and Antibiotic Use in a Cohort of Pregnant Women Enrolled in a Malaria Chemoprevention Trial

Melissa Salm, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, CISAC
Addressing Global Health Blindspots with the Visibility Initiative for Responsible Science (VIRS)

Meri Varkila, MD, Postdoctoral Researcher
Use of wastewater metrics to track COVID-19 community levels in the U.S.


Following is a selection of posters presented at the 2023 convening.

Telemedicine and the Environment: Can Virtual Visits Benefit Patients and the Environment? | Natasha Mehta, MD, MS, Cassandra L. Thiel, PhD, Cory Sean Sejo, MD, Lubna Qureshi, MS, Meagan Moyer, MPH, RDN, Vincent Valentino, Jason Saleh, MD

Social and economic factors behind the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone | Aditya Narashim

I don’t think my child is malnourished”: A qualitative analysis of socio-cultural dimensions of child malnutrition in rural India | Pragati Dubey, Devanathan Parthasarathy, Dharma Arunachalam

Inequalities in child diarrhea and effect modification of WASH interventions by socioeconomic position in rural Bangladesh: a subgroup analysis of a cluster randomized trial | Pearl Anne Ante-Testard, Anna Nguyen, Sania Ashraf, Sarker Masud Parvez, Abu Mohammed Naser, Tarik Benmarhnia, Mahbubur Rahman, Stephen Luby, Jade Benjamin-Chung, Benjamin Arnold

Healthy Schools – diabetes awareness and prevention education in India | Tenzin Yeshi Wangdak Yuthok, MS, Aishee Mukherji, BA, Sandhya Ramalingam, PhD, Nidhi Jaswal, PhD, Deepa Shokeen ,PhD, Nalini Saligram, PhD, Latha Palaniappan, MD, MS

Universal health coverage for the poor and informal sector in Africa: A legal mapping project and health financing policy analysis | Zoe Hughes

Developing a vulnerability index model in Mexico to forecast negative health outcomes | Mia Navarro, M.S.

Development and testing of a prehospital maternal emergency obstetric warning score in India | Peter Acker MD/MPH, Loveday Penn-Kekana MA, GV Ramana Rao MD/DPH, Srinivas Rao Janagama, Jennifer Newberry MD/JD, Brian Rice MD/MSTM, Matthew Strehlow MD

Perceptions of a virtual anesthesia curriculum in Vietnam | Sean Miller, MD; Helen Heymann, MD, MS; Joseph Hodapp, MD; Anna Frackman, MD; Michelle Arteaga, MS, MHA; Sara Strowd, MD, MPH

iKure’s Novel Approaches to Tackling Healthcare Disparities During COVID-19 Pandemic in India | Snehal Bindra, Dhruv Bindra, Tirumala Santra, Sujay Santra

Investigating community perinatal transmission of antimicrobial resistance in Bangladesh | Allison Sherris, Hafsa Hossain Atia, Mohammed Badrul Amin, Shahana Parveen, Ashley Styczynski

Effects of mindfulness and life-skills training on emotion regulation and anxiety symptoms in Chinese migrant children: a randomized controlled trial | Chen Liu, Xinshu She, Luwan Lan, Huan Wang, Min Wang, Cody Abbey, Manpreet K. Singh, Scott Rozelle, Lian Tong

Improving healthcare resiliency by enhancing natural ventilation in Liberian healthcare facilities | Ethan Bell, Ashley Styczynski, Ronan Arthur, Krithika Srinivasan, Jorge Salinas, Tom Baer, Amos Tandanpolie, Philip Bemah

The impact of legal status on healthcare utilization in agricultural workers in the united states | Eran Bendavid

Integrated acute febrile illness surveillance as a cornerstone of pandemic prevention | Kathryn Roberts, Cecilia Then, Michael de St Aubin1,2, William Duke, Isaac Miguel Sanchez, Ronald Skewes Ramm, Eric Nilles

Civil society and government against COVID-19: Partners In Health and the Ministry of Health’s comprehensive and health equity promoting strategy in Chiapas, Mexico | Ana Laura Rodríguez, Sandra Vázquez, , Sebastián González, Zeus Aranda, Selene Chacón, Laura Martinez

Factors associated with chikungunya infection among pregnant women in Grenada, West Indies | Melanie Kiener, Nikita Cudjoe, Roberta Evans, Veronica Mapp-Alexander, Amna Tariq, Calum Macpherson, Trevor Noel, Patrick Gerardin, Randall Waechter, A. Desiree LaBeaud

COVID-19, trauma, and posttraumatic growth across four indigenous Ghanian communities | Erinn C. Cameron, Patrick A. Robertson, Fiona J. Trend-Cunningham, Stephen Baffour Adeji, Loren Toussaint, Kristine M. Jacquin 

Newly arrived migrants’ barriers to vaccination and solutions – a qualitative study in Germany | Miray Salman

Improving mental health clinical capacity to support the needs of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) |  Wendy J. Bernstein, MDCM, Mellissa Withers, MHS, PhD, Achille Balpolisi, MD, MPH, PhD, Marx Itabelo Lwabanya, MD, EMHL, Sargam Jain, MD, Jasleen Chhatwal, MBBS, MD, FAPA, Tyler B. Evans, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, DTMH, FIDSA