Published: 09/08/2022
Join us for this installment in a series of conversations with global health faculty at Stanford featuring Dr. Desiree LaBeaud, MD, MS, professor of pediatrics (infectious diseases), Senior Fellow, Woods Institute for the Environment, and professor, by courtesy, of epidemiology and population health.
**Time and location updated as of 10/31 – see details below**
About Dr. LaBeaud
Dr. LaBeaud is a professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases and physician-scientist who has devoted much of her efforts to better understanding the risk factors and long-term health consequences of arboviral infections, including Rift Valley fever, chikungunya, and dengue virus.
She will discuss her career path and work, focusing on her recent community engagement efforts to address the connection between plastic trash and mosquito-borne illness in Kenya, which has led to the creation of the nonprofit, HERI-Kenya.
Following the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a Q&A with Dr. LaBeaud, moderated by Wasan Kumar, Stanford Medicine student and co-chair of the Organization for Global Health.
About the Event
Date: November 16, 2022
Time: 5:00 – 6:30pm
Location: Dinner in Alway Courtyard at 5:00pm; presentation in Alway M112, 300 Pasteur Drive
Dinner will be provided in Alway Courtyard from 5:00pm-5:35pm. At 5:35pm, the event will move to Alway M112 for the presentation.