Published: 11/22/2022
The Introduction to Environmental Justice course (EarthSys 194/EnvRes 223) holds a weekly colloquium on Wednesdays 12-1:20 pm. All are welcome!
Our final colloquium on Energy Justice is coming up on November 30. This will be an in-person panel featuring Galina Angarova from Cultural Survival and the Coalition for Securing Indigenous Rights in the Green Economy or SIRGE Coalition, Payal Sampat from Earthworks, Dele Ogunseitan from UC Irvine (a CIGH visiting scholar), and Sheila Davis from the Solar Scorecard Project and Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition.
We offer an in-person for the broader EJ community and public in Building 300-300. Alternatively, if you would like to attend over Zoom, please fill out the RSVP form here.