Published: 07/10/2020
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Earlier today President Donald Trump gave formal notice of his intent to withdraw the US from the WHO. The importance of the United States’ participation and contribution to the WHO cannot be overstated. The United States Congress was informed of this step towards defunding our one and only form of shared governance around global health—we must use our collective voice to influence their course of action.
Global and public health officials, researchers, and clinicians have all expressed grave concern for this step in this letter to congress. Please join us and act now:
- Voice your opposition to this action to your appropriate congressional representative. Call for the immediate reinstatement of US funds and demand that the US remain within the WHO. Use these links to find your House and Senate representatives’ contact information.
- Use your connections and networks to display your opposition. Social media, newsletters, publications, podcasts, and radio—our voices united on this issue can make the difference. Refer to this UN Foundation page for suggested social media posts.
The need for a global response and international coordination for health emergencies has never been more clear or pertinent. This is a decision of grave consequence, made at a time when billions of lives, both global and domestic, hang in the balance.
Thank you for your immediate action and concern. Our efforts now will impact the future health outcomes for us all.
Michele Barry
Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Professor of Medicine and Tropical Diseases
Director of the Center for Innovation in Global Health
Senior Associate Dean for Global Health, Stanford University